Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Connecticut Our Lawyers Can Help You Seek Maximum Benefits

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, meaning that workers who sustain on-the-job injuries are able to recover benefits without having to prove that negligence played a role in their injuries. However, because it is a no-fault system, employees who file for workers’ compensation are only entitled to receive certain benefits. Additionally, filing a workers’ compensation claim waives your right to sue your employer. Read on to learn more about workers’ compensation benefits in Connecticut, including which benefits you may be entitled to receive, or contact Goff Law Group to discuss your case with one of our lawyers. We offer free initial consultations and contingency fees, meaning there are no out-of-pocket expenses for you, and you only pay our attorneys’ fees if and win we win your case. Reach out to us today at 203-399-0000 or submit an online contact form to get started.

Medical Benefits

In Connecticut, workers’ compensation covers all “reasonable and necessary” medical treatments and their associated expenses. Essentially, any medical care you receive, including everything from initial emergency treatment to prescription medications as a result of your work-related injury, should be covered by workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation also reimburses you for any expenses you incur traveling to and from doctors’ appointments, such as mileage or public transportation costs. If your employer’s insurance provider is refusing to cover all of your work-related medical expenses, claiming that they are not “reasonable or necessary,” contact our lawyers to learn how you can appeal your denied claim.

Brooke A. Goff

Temporary Disability Benefits

In addition to medical benefits, you are eligible to receive temporary disability (TD) benefits if your on-the-job injury prevents you from returning to work for a definite period of time. TD benefits are a form of wage replacement and are intended to make up for your lost income while you heal. There are two types of TD benefits:

Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) Benefits

If you are able to return to work in some capacity, but your injuries prevent you from working at your full, pre-injury capacity, you are eligible to receive TPD benefits. The amount of your TPD benefits will be 75% of the difference between your net pre-injury average weekly wage and your net post-injury average weekly wage up to the current weekly maximum amount, as outlined by Connecticut law.

Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Benefits

If your injuries render you completely unable to work while you heal, you are entitled to TTD benefits. TTD benefits equal 75% of your net average weekly wages up to the current state maximum. TTD benefits only kick in if your disability lasts more than one week; otherwise, they are not paid for the first three days that you are out of work.

Temporary disability benefits are paid until you are able to return to work or until you reach what is known as “maximum medical improvement” (MMI). Your treating physician will determine when you have reached MMI, which essentially means that you are not expected to get any better with continued medical treatment.

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Permanent Disability Benefits

You are eligible for permanent disability (PD) benefits if you suffered a severe injury that leaves you permanently disabled. Like TD benefits, PD benefits are offered for both partial and total disability.

Permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits are offered for:

  • The amputation of a body part
  • Loss of function of a body part as outlined by the state’s disability schedule

This includes things like accidental amputation of a finger, hand, arm, foot, or leg, as well as loss of hearing or vision in one or both ears/eyes. For any partial permanent disability, PPD benefits are offered for a certain number of weeks based on the schedule. 

Permanent total disability (PTD) benefits are offered for:

  • Cognitive disability due to a traumatic brain injury
  • Loss of vision in both eyes
  • Amputation of both hands
  • Amputation of both feet
  • Amputation of one hand and one foot
  • Paralysis of two limbs

Once you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), as determined by your doctor, they will then evaluate you for permanent disability. In addition to the above-mentioned injuries, you may qualify for PTD benefits if you suffer other injuries/conditions that prevent you from returning to work in any capacity or performing any type of gainful employment whatsoever.

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Additional Benefits

In addition to medical and disability benefits, workers’ compensation may provide additional benefits to injured workers or to the families of workers who die due to their on-the-job injuries.

Additional workers’ compensation benefits include:

  • Discretionary benefits
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Cost-of-living increases
  • Death benefits

To learn more about these additional benefits—or any workers’ compensation benefits in Connecticut—contact Goff Law Group for a free consultation.

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Our lawyers understand Connecticut’s workers’ compensation system; we know what benefits you should receive as a result of your on-the-job injuries or occupational illness, and we know how to work tirelessly to recover those benefits for you. If you have any questions about your case or need help with your claim, please contact us right away.

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